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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Receive As You Hear The Good News

Romans 1:16
16For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes…

If you have been to motivational seminars, you would probably have heard the speakers say, “If you follow these five steps, then you will come to a place of financial increase.” They would probably have told you also that if you don’t succeed, it is because you did not follow the steps correctly or diligently.

Thank God that the gospel or good news does not work like that! The minute you hear or read the good news, and you believe and receive it, His Word goes forth to sozo (the Greek word for “save”) you, making you well, prosperous and whole, “for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes”.

What is the good news? It is that God loves us so much that He gave us His Son to take our beating so that we can have His blessings without having to work for them. Right now, as you are reading this devotional, listening to a preacher or watching a sermon DVD, as you hear God’s Word, His power is released into your situation, working things out for you and turning your situation around for your good.

In Acts 14:8–10, we see Paul preaching the good news in Lystra. A man who was crippled from birth was listening to Paul. Paul, seeing that he had faith to be healed, said, “Stand up straight on your feet!” And the man leaped and walked! He heard the good news, believed it and was healed.
My friend, these miracles happen not because we follow some kind of formula faithfully, but because we hear the good news preached and simply believe it

Friday, February 25, 2011

Click HERE TO LISTEN TO PART 2 of The true Gospel always reveals the Righteousness of God not the Righteousness of man

We had fun on this one I preached very little of my notes (God's not real impressed with our notes) But we had fun and Jesus was exalted... :) Please enjoy

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nothing Is Wrong With God, His Word And You!!! Song of Solomon 4:7 7You are all fair, my love, and there is no spot in you

Sometimes, when we don’t receive our healing, breakthrough, restoration or miracle child, we can’t help but think that something is wrong with us. We tell ourselves, “Nothing’s wrong with God, nothing’s wrong with the Word, so something must be wrong with me!” My friend, if you think that your miracle depends on you, then you are on shaky ground.

In the old covenant, we see this “it’s all up to me” demand put on man. God’s part was to bless His people, but only if they played their part by obeying all of His laws. If they didn’t do their part, not only would they not be blessed, but the curse would also come on them.

Most of the time, they ended up under the curse because they just could not keep all of God’s laws. So God found fault with that covenant because though He wanted to bless man, man’s sins made it difficult for Him to do so. Man himself was the weak link.

In the new covenant, man has no part to play except to believe and receive. The new covenant of grace was cut between God the Father and God the Son — both infallible and more than able to keep the covenant.

God the Son is man’s representative. Jesus represents you and me. So in this covenant, how much we can receive from God depends on how good our representative is, how perfect His obedience is. Of course, Jesus is the perfect Man with perfect obedience. So in Him, we are qualified to receive all the blessings of God! We only need to believe and receive.

Jesus’ blood has been shed for the remission of all your sins. You are now the righteousness of God in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:21) By His one perfect sacrifice, He has perfected you forever. (Hebrews 10:14, KJV) There is no spot in you!

Today, the devil has no right to tell you that you cannot be blessed because there is something wrong with you. So as you are waiting for your miracle, say, “Nothing’s wrong with God, nothing’s wrong with the Word and nothing’s wrong with me! I am going to receive my miracle!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Click HERE TO LISTEN TO THE NEW SERMON>>> Never Fight for victory always Fight FROM VICTORY!!!

The enemy is always trying to get us to come down to his level and fight... Jesus beat him down over 2,000 years ago and raised us up and seated us in heavenly places in him... our fight of faith is to stay seated in his finished work and enjoy his COMPLETE victory... but the devil tries to get us anxious and full of care and worry... our fight of faith is our confident faith in Jesus finished work, knowing he will never leave us or forsake us AND if God be for you, who on earth could ever stand against you!!! so just relax, sit down (in Christ) and believe... Don't go down to the devil's level... He's beneath you and not worthy of too much of your time... Jesus conquered him and gave us the trophy... Let's enjoy JESUS!!! and let's enjoy LIFE!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Romans 5:19 19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

This whole thing is about Adam's fall and Jesus' rise.
All fall in Adam... All rise in Christ... Seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus the messiah... The only true hero this world has ever known... It's in HIM we LIVE... It's in HIM we move... It's in him WE HAVE OUR BEING!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE SERMON>>>The True Gospel always reveals the Righteousness of God not the Righteousness of man

The true Gospel never beats you down... It always lifts you up... its GOOD news!!! and that good news IS Jesus and what he has done for us... I've done my best with the gifts God has given me, to get out of the way and shine Jesus... Please enjoy the Bread of Life :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

We will be meeting this Thursday at the Rock Cafe in Paris at 6:30 pm if you have any questions or need directions place a comment on the blog... luv ya and see you at THE ROCK

1 Samuel 17:45 45Then David said to the Philistine, “… I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied

Ever wonder why two people can hear the same thing and yet have very different responses? For one, what is said makes him afraid and discouraged. For the other, his heart is so filled with faith that he dares to come against the devil and what he is doing.

In the Valley of Elah, Goliath the Philistine giant taunted the armies of Israel for 40 days. When David came on the scene, he heard the same mockings of Goliath that the rest of the Israelites heard. But somehow, those same words which caused fear in the soldiers angered David. What did David know or see that the others failed to see?

David knew that he had a covenant with God. Now, King Saul and all the soldiers with him that day also had the same covenant with God, but only David believed the covenant. And he acted on his belief. So God caused his giant to come tumbling down.

If David had such a great victory even though he was under the old covenant, how much more you and I who are under the new covenant! Today, God is asking, “Where are my Davids who will believe the new covenant?”

What is the new covenant? It is the covenant of grace. And grace means unmerited, undeserved, unearned favor. God wants us to know that He has cut this covenant with us through Christ our representative. And according to the covenant, we have His undeserved favor. We are blessed because Jesus took our beating. Because of what Jesus has done on the cross, we have victory over every giant.

Isn’t that good news? Today, God wants you to stand before your “giant” and declare that in spite of what you are going through, in spite of what is happening, you believe that God is for you because of what Jesus has done for you. And then, before your very eyes, you will see the giants of accusation, intimidation, condemnation, disease and debt fall flat before you!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

a little illumination at Starbucks... ain't nothin like latte' and Jesus!!! :) LOL

Click here :) for a righteousness Rap... then click on 10.2 MB under apple Lossless Audio

you may or may not like the style... but the message is true... please enjoy... and more is coming!!!


Adam and eve in the garden
Lovin on father God
Greatest of ease everyone's pleased
Fellowship flowin in the cool day breeze

Satan came in and stopped the wind
Adam and his daddy separated by sin

Father God said, satans head
Would be bruised by the womans seed
4,000 years later
Jesus did the deed
Jesus did the deed
Jesus made the devil bleed
Jesus did the deed

JUSTIFIED in the son of man
Justified in the blood of the lamb
Justified in this American land
Justified as the great I am

He became sin so we could be right
Now it's time to fight the good fight
On the cross the great exchange
But Christians live like nothings changed
Walkin in fear and so much shame
Like Christ never died and took the blame
Cowardly Christians walk the earth 
Like worms in the dirt
Don't you realize what your worth
Don't you know what he did
Don't you know what he paid
Jesus came and died 
So we don't have to live betrayed
Now were


The righteous are bold as lions
But the church has been slaughtered like lambs
Somebody wake up and realize they been born again
God is living in you
And he's freed you from sin
God is living in you 
And he's givin you the will to win

You gotta
Crown of righteousness on your head
And a breastplate of righteousness
On your chest
And a robe of righteousness on your back
Your suited up
Ready for attack
The gates of hell will not prevail
Your bringin down heaven to shut down hell 
The word of God is flamin fresh from the lips of those that preach righteousness 


Faith is the fame of Gods sweet rest
I believe therefore I confess
I'm strong in the lord and the power of his might I walk with Christ in his glorious light
I'm righteous as God and my feet are shod with the gospel of peace

Satan your lease has been released 
Underneath my feet
You got no right to abide in this light
You got no right to abide in these lives
No right to abide


© Jeremiah Johnson 2011


1 Corinthians 1:31 31… “He who glories, let him glory in the Lord.”

If someone asks you, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” you would probably tell him, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved,” wouldn’t you?

Well, a rich, young ruler asked Jesus the same question, but instead of telling him to believe in Him, Jesus gave him the law. (Mark 10:17–22)

Jesus saw that the young ruler lived his life taking pride in his ability to keep the law to earn salvation and the favor of God. But because of His love for the man, Jesus had to show him that those who live by the law must realize that their self-efforts cannot save them.

He therefore reminded him, “You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery… ‘Do not steal... ‘Honor your father and your mother.’” The young ruler showed that his trust was in his law-keeping when he replied, “Teacher, all these things I have kept from my youth.”

So Jesus had to tell him, “One thing you lack… sell whatever you have and give to the poor… and come… and follow Me.” When the young ruler heard that, he walked away sorrowful.

When we boast of having kept the law, it will always point out something we lack or have failed to obey. The law is so holy and perfect that if we don’t keep even one iota of it, it has no choice but to judge and curse us. (Galatians 3:10) That is what the law was designed to do.

God does not want us to boast in our abilities to keep the law. If we are to have confidence in anything at all, if we are to boast in anything at all, it is in the grace of God. Only His grace can completely keep, save, heal, deliver and bless us.

So let’s not boast in what we have done or are able to do, but boast in His grace for us — that He is our strength, health, favor, prosperity, wisdom, hope, salvation and glory. That is how we will see ourselves enjoying our inheritance of abundant life!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Daniel 9:24 24“Seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness…

In Sunday, we hear a message that says, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ.” On Monday, we are still confessing, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ.” But come Wednesday or Thursday, we begin to confess our sins! Then, when Sunday comes, we get a fresh revelation of our righteousness in Christ and we start to confess our righteousness again. Why do we do that?

It cannot be that on Sunday, we are righteous. Then, a few days later, we become unrighteous because of sin, but are “re-righteoused” when Sunday comes again. No, our righteousness is an “everlasting righteousness”! Jesus has obtained “eternal redemption” for us. (Hebrews 9:12)

“But I have just sinned. How can I still be righteous?

My friend, it is not what you do that makes you righteous. It is what Christ has done at Calvary. Romans 5:19 says, “For as by one man’s [Adam] disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous.” It is the obedience of one Man — Christ — and not your obedience, that has made you righteous!

God wants you established in what Christ has done. He wants you conscious of your everlasting righteousness in Christ. How do you do that? You can listen to anointed messages that remind you of your righteousness in Christ. And don’t just know it in your head. Speak it. Every morning, tell yourself, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ!” (2 Corinthians 5:21)

You don’t need a revelation of how sinful you are. You know it when you sin. The devil reminds you of your sins. Even your friends and loved ones sometimes point out your sins. What you need, instead, is a revelation of how forever righteous you are in God’s eyes, especially when you sin.

And when you are conscious of this gift of righteousness that is everlasting, you will reign in life! (Romans 5:17) You will reign over sin, bad habits, sicknesses, lack and everything that holds you back from a victorious life!

Friday, February 4, 2011

We will be meeting in Nicholasville tonight!!! If you'd like to know where send a comment and I'll let you know... :)

Ephesians 5:27 27that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.

Have you been to a worship service where you stood with your hands raised, ready to worship God, only to hear the worship leader say, “Before we worship God, let’s all search our hearts”? Then, as you search your heart, before long, you dig up something that you don’t like. The next thing you know, your hands are no longer raised and soon, you find yourself sitting down — you don’t feel good worshiping God any more.

My friend, I have good news for you. Come and worship Him as you are. Come into God’s presence Jesus-conscious, forgiveness-conscious and grace-conscious! Come into God’s presence bringing only Jesus the spotless Lamb of God as your offering.

Your worshiping God is like the times God’s people in the Old Testament brought their offerings to the priest. The priest examined the animal sacrifice to ensure that it was without blemish. The priest did not examine the sinner. If the animal was without blemish, God accepted the animal sacrifice as well as the offerer who brought the animal.

So when you come into God’s presence, don’t do any self-examination and be discouraged when you find faults in your life. God does not examine you. He sees you through the full value, and all the loveliness and acceptance of His Son. (Ephesians 1:6) He sees you holy and without blemish!

Remember the woman who was referred to as a sinner, possibly a prostitute? She went to the house of the Pharisee who was hosting Jesus and wiped Jesus’ feet with her hair. (Luke 7:36–50) That was her act of worship.

She came to Him as she was. Yes, she knew that she had sinned, but she worshiped Jesus first because of who He is. She was Jesus-conscious. Then, she heard Jesus say, “Your sins are forgiven.” (Luke 7:48) She received the forgiveness she needed from Him.

Whatever you need from the Savior, come to Him as you are. Worship Him for who He is and then you will hear Him say, “Go your way. Your restoration has come. Your prosperity is here. You are healed. You have been made whole!”

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Never think that Jesus is basic and we need to move on to "deeper" things... 

Never think that Jesus is basic and we need to move on to "deeper" things... 
That's precisely why we've been so frustrated in our CHRISTianity... Nothing is "deeper" than Your savior and his love for you... Don't go "deeper" and start trying to earn what he has FREELY provided... People try to "move on" past Jesus and start establishing their own righteousness and they build religions rather than the kingdom of God... Yeah but Pastor Jeremiah we have to learn about the Holy Spirit... I totally agree but let's look at who the bible says the Holy Spirit is...

Galatians 4:4
4 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, 5 To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the SPIRIT OF HIS SON into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. 7 Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

The Holy Spirit is the spirit of Jesus!!! And he is sent to reveal Jesus to us in all his majesty, perfection and glory... So don't move on past Jesus into "deeper things" because the things your moving into might be "deep" but their not God... It's the simplicity of Christ folks let's not complicate it or dirty it up with a bunch of man made religion, no matter what form it might take.. . And their are many many forms... The question is, is it Christ centered or man centered... We think just because someone is hoopin, hollerin, praying in tongues and swinging from the chandelier it's revival and that is just not true... If its man centered and not Christ centered its religion... What do you mean by Christ centered Pastor Jeremiah? If its not based on Jesus and his finished work... If its all about what YOU are doing... The focus isn't on Jesus the focus is on you and thats when religion and pride begin to rear its ugly head... Christianity isn't about achieving something... Christianity is about receiving something that was already achieved 2,000 years ago on a cross...  We receive by simply believing in what Jesus did for us...And YOU and I cant earn the promises of God... They are a gift based on Jesus and his finished work... All we do is believe... Anything you add to that is religion... Yeah but we have a response ability to... You have a response ability to respond to his ability and not your own...This is not really about us its about him... And yes i know that frustrates our pride and our flesh because we want to earn it so we can brag about how awesome we are... And how we did this and we did that... No this Gospel is about Jesus and what he has done for us... We believe in what Jesus did and he gives it to us as a gift not a wage we earn because we racked up spiritual points... Only man could turn something as beautiful as a promise into a religious work... The bottom line is this you and I have a savior and he saves us... Not because we deserve it... Not because were super spiritual... Not because of anything we have done or will do... He saves us because HE is awesome... Not because WE are awesome... And his salvation includes health, wealth, protection, happiness, peace, joy, quality of life and yes heaven also... So keep your eyes on Jesus and enjoy life...  Our challenge is to believe that God is that good...There is nothing "deeper" than Jesus!!!